Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Literature on the Financing of Terrorism

Monographs, Edited Volumes, Non-conventional Literature and Prime Articles published since 2001, selected by Eric Price (Professional Information Specialist)

NB: some of the items listed below are clickable and allow access to the full text; those with an asterix [*] only have a clickable table of contents.

Acharya, A. (2009) Targeting terrorist financing: International cooperation and new regimes. London; New York: Routledge [*]

Alexander, D.C. (2004) Business confronts terrorism: Risks and responses. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press/Terrace Books [*]

Amoore, L. & de Goede, M. (eds.) (2008) Risk and the war on terror. London; New York: Routledge [*]

Andreas, P. & Greenhill, K.M. (eds.) (2010) Sex, drugs, and body counts: The politics of numbers in global crime and conflict. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press

Aydin, S. (2007) Money laundering and financing of terrorism. In Durmaz, H. (et al.) (eds.) Understanding and Responding to Terrorism. Amsterdam: IOS Press [*]

Bellamy, A.J. (ed.) (2008) Security and the war on terror. London; New York: Routledge [*]

Benedek, W. (et al.) (2010) Transnational terrorism, organized crime and peace-building: Human security in the Western Balkans. New York: Palgrave Macmillan [*]

Bianchi, A. (ed.) (2004) Enforcing international law norms against terrorism. Oxford; Portland, Ore.: Hart Pub. [*]

Biersteker, T.J. & Eckert, S.E.(eds.) (2008) Countering the financing of terrorism. London; New York: Routledge [*]

Costigan, S.S. & Gold, D. (eds.) (2007) Terrornomics. Aldershot, U.K.; Burlington, VT: Ashgate [*]

Cox, M. (ed.) (2008) State of corruption, state of chaos: the terror of political malfeasance. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books [*]

D'Souza, J. (2012) Terrorist financing, money laundering, and tax evasion: Examining the performance of financial intelligence units. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis [*]

Durrieu, R. (2013) Rethinking money laundering & financing of terrorism in international law: Towards a new global legal order. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers [*]

Erlande, M.B. (ed.) (2006) Terrorist financing. New York: Nova Science Publishers

Forest, J.J.F. (ed.) (2006) Teaching terrorism. Lanham, MD: Roman & Littlefield Pub.

Freeeman, M. (ed.) (2012) Financing terrorism: Case studies. Burlington, VT: Ashgate [*]

Giraldo, J.K. & Trinkunas, H.A. (eds.) (2007) Terrorism financing and state responses: A comparative perspective. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press [*]

Goede, M. (2012) Speculative security: The politics of pursuing terrorist monies. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press

Greenberg, M.R. (et al.) (2002) Terrorist financing: Report of an independent task force sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations. New York: Council on Foreign Relations

Gunaratna, R. (2001) The lifeblood of terrorist organizations: Evolving terrorist financing strategies. In Schmid, A.P. (ed.) Countering terrorism through international cooperation. Milan, ISPAC. pp. 182-185 [*]

Gup, B.E. (2007) Money laundering, financing terrorism and suspicious activities. New York: Nova Science Publishers [*]

Gurulé, J. (2008) Unfunding terror: The legal response to the financing of global terrorism. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar [*]

Haveman, J.D. & Shatz, H.J. (eds.) (2006) Protecting the nation's seaports: Balancing security and cost. San Francisco, Calif.: Public Policy Institute of California [*]

Herik, L. & Schrijver, N. (eds.) (2013) Counter-terrorism and international law. Cambridge [UK]; New York: Cambridge University Press [*]

Holmes, L. (ed.) (2007) Terrorism, organised crime and corruption: Networks and linkages. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar [*]

Husabø, E.J. (2009) Fighting terrorism through multilevel criminal legislation: Security Council Resolution 1373, the EU framework decision on combating terrorism and their implementation in Nordic, Dutch and German criminal law. Leiden; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers [*]

Inter-Governmental Action Group against Money Laundering in West Africa (2009) AML/CFT Technical Assistance Needs Assessment (TANA). Dakar, Senegal: GIABA [*]

Kaul, I & Conceição, P. (eds.) (2006) The new public finance: Responding to global challenges New York: Oxford University Press [*]

Knox, P.L. & McCarthy, L. (2012) Urbanization: An introduction to urban geography Boston: Pearson

Kochan, N. (2005) The washing machine. Mason, Ohio: Thomson [*]

Last, M. & Kandel, A. (eds.) (2005) Fighting terror in cyberspace. Singapore; Hackensack, N.J.: World Scientific

LeClerc, B. & Wortley, R. (eds.) (2013) Cognition and crime: Offender decision-making and script analyses. New York: Routledge

Lehto, M. (2009) Indirect responsibility for terrorist acts: Redefinition of the concept of terrorism beyond violent acts. Leiden; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers

MacLeod, L.S. & Thomson, O.C . (eds.) New terrorism issues. New York: Nova Science Publishers

Malik, M.A. (2003) Bankers' guide on anti-money laundering initiatives and legislation, with special reference to terrorism financing. Lahore: Mckay Corporate Institute

Mardini, R. (ed.) (2010) Volatile landscape: Iraq and its insurgent movements. Washington, DC: The Jamestown Foundation

Mendelsohn, B. (2009) Combating jihadism: American hegemony and interstate cooperation in the War on Terrorism. Chicago; London: The University of Chicago Press

Morais, H.V. (et al.) (2004) Anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism: Selected training materials from the staff training program. Manila: Asian Development Bank [*]

Mugarura, N. (2012) The global anti-money laundering regulatory landscape in less developed countries. Farnham, Surrey, U.K.; Burlington, VT: Ashgate [*]

Nacos, B.L. (2012) Terrorism and counterterrorism. Boston: Pearson Longman [*]

Norton, J.J. & Hadjiemmanuil, C. (eds.) (2005) Global financial sector development. London: British Institute of International and Comparative Law

Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security (n.d.) Your contribution can be misued 

Norwitz, J.H. (ed.) (2008) Armed groups: Studies in national security, counterterrorism, and counterinsurgency. Newport, R.I.: U.S. Naval War College [*]

Ó Toghda, S. (2010) Criminal Justice (Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing) Act 2010 Dublin: Round Hall/Thomson Reuters [*]

Pieth, M. (2002) Financing Terrorism. New York, NY: Springer [*]

Salomon, M.E. (et al.) (eds.) Casting the net wider: Human rights, development and new duty-bearers Antwerp; Oxford: Intersentia

Sambei, A. (et al.) Counter-terrorism law and practice: An international handbook. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press

Schott, P.A. (2004) Reference guide to anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank [*]

Scott, H.S. & Gelpern A. (2012) International finance: Law and regulation. London: Sweet & Maxwell [*]

Scott, P.D. (2010) American war machine: Deep politics, the CIA global drug connection, and the road to Afghanistan. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

Shams, H. & Butler, M. (2011) A banker's compliance guide to preventing money laundering and terrorist financing. Washington, D.C.: World Bank

Sharman, J.C. & Mistry, P.S. (2008) Considering the consequences: The development implications of initiatives on taxation, anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism. London: Commonwealth Secretariat [*]

Shemella, P. (ed.) (2011) Fighting back: What governments can do about terrorism. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press

Tollitz, N.P. (ed.) (2005) Saudi Arabia: Terrorism, U.S. relations and oil. New York: Nova Science Publishers

Vittori, J. (2011) Terrorist financing and resourcing. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan [*]

Walberg, E. (2011) Postmodern imperialism: Geopolitics and the great games. Clarity Press, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia [*]

White, J.R. (2006) Terrorism and homeland security. Australia; Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth [*]

Yancey, D. (2006) Terrorism. Detroit: Lucent Books [*]

Yetiv, S.A. (2011) The petroleum triangle: Oil, globalization, and terror. Ithaca: Cornell University Press [*]

Non-conventional Literature

Acharya, A. (2008) Targeting terrorist financing [thesis]. Deakin University: Victoria, Australia [*]

Alhassan, A. (2011) Money laundering and terrorism financing: Does the Saudi Arabian Financial Intelligence Unit comply with international standards? [thesis]. Melbourne: Victoria University [*]

Alrahoomi, J. (2011)The policing of money laundering: The role of Dubai police [thesis]. Northumbria University []

Anderson, W.J.L. (2007) Disrupting threat finances: Utilization of financial information to disrupt terrorist organizations in the Twenty-First Century. U.S. Army: Fort Leavenworth, Kansas []

Bahney, B. (2010) An economic analysis of the financial records of al-Qa'ida in Iraq. Santa Monica: Rand Corporation []

Bayor, D.N. (2011) The impact of non-banking financial institutions on anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing in Latin Americas and the Middle East [thesis]. Thomas Jefferson School of Law

Bricknell, S. (et al.) (2011) Money laundering and terrorism financing risks to Australian non-profit organisations. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology []

Brisard, J.C. (2002) Terrorism financing: Roots and trends of Saudi terrorism financing. Paris: JCB Consulting []

Burrows-Jonson, A. (2013) Resource acquisition and structural formality in terrorist organizations [thesis]. Budapest: Central European University [‎]

Cam, M-A. (2007) The impact of terrorist attacks on financial markets [thesis]. Melbourne, Victoria: RMIT University []

Canada, Government of (2010) Air India Flight 182: Terrorist financing. Ottawa, Ontario []     

Chaerudin, A. (2003) Countering transnational terrorism in Southeast Asia with respect to terrorism in Indonesia and The Philippines [thesis]. Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School []

Chatain, P-L. (et al.) (2009) Preventing money laundering and terrorism financing. Washington, D.C.: World Bank [*]

Chong, A. H-S. (2010) Alms or arms? Communication of counter-terrorism financing laws and the consequences for Australian Muslim organizations [thesis]. Stanford University [*]

Clarke, R. (2010) Laskar-e-Taiban: The fallacy of subservient proxies and the future of Islamic terrorism in India. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: U.S. Army War College []

Council of Europe (2005) Council of Europe Convention on laundering, search, seizure and confiscation of the proceeds from crime and on the financing of terrorism. Strasbourg: Council of Europe []

Delacruz, J. (et al.) (2005) Terrorist financing. University of Washington []

DiGiacomo, R.J. (‎2010) Prostitution as a possible funding mechanism for terrorism [thesis]. Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School []

Does de Willebois, E. (2010) Nonprofit organizations and the combating of terrorism financing: A proportionate response. Washington, D.C.: World Bank []

Dolar, B. (2007) The anti-money laundering provisions of the USA Patriot Act: A heterogeneous firm model of the banking industry [thesis]. University of Mississippi [*]

Durrieu, R. (2012) Rethinking money laundering offences: A global comparative analysis [thesis]. Oxford University [*]

Ehrenfeld, R. (2002) Funding terrorism: Sources and methods. In Gupta, R. & Perez, M.R. (eds.) Confronting terrorism. Los Alamos National Laboratory []

European Parliament (2013) The involvement of Salafism/Wahhabism in the support and supply of arms to rebel groups around the world. Brussels: European Union []

Ezewudo, C.V. (2012) Money laundering and terrorist financing: An insight into the Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act of 2004, Laws of Nigeria [thesis]. University of London []

Financial Action Task Force (2013) Money laundering and terrorist financing vulnerabilities of legal professionals. Paris: FATF/OECD []

Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre (2011) Money laundering and terrorist activity financing watch. Ottawa, Canada []

Gillespie, J. (2002) Follow the money: Tracing terrorist assets. Harvard Law School []

Gray, M.E. (2009) Tracking terrorist financing. Maritime College: New York City []

Habib, M. (2013) Pakistan Bankrolls Terrorist Group. New York, N.Y.: Gatestone Institute

Hancock, D.A. (2008) The liver branch and the hammer: A strategic analysis of Hawala in the financial war on terror [thesis]. Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School []

Harms, J.A. (2011) The war on terror and legal change: Exploring offenders who provide material support to terrorists [thesis]. University of Texas at Dallas [*]

International Monetary Fund (2005) Current developments in monetary and financial law, Vol. 4 Washington, D.C.: IMF [*]      

Ionas, A.: Financing Terrorism by Means of Drug Trafficking University of Brasov

Jamaica, Government of (2007) Guidelines on anti-money laundering & counter financing of terrorism. Kingston: Financial Service Commission

Jersey Financial Services Commission (2009) Handbook for the prevention and detection of money laundering and the financing of terrorism for regulated financial services businesses. St. Helier Jersey []

Jovanovic, M. (2011) Financial uncertainty in Germany and its impact on Western European Terrorism. Bochum, Germany: Ruhr-Universität []

Karaca, A. (2010) Disrupting terrorist networks: An analysis of the PKK terrorist organization [thesis]. Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School [ ]

Kiely, H. (2012) Defining terrorism: A risky business? [thesis]. Dublin Institute of Technology []

Kiser, S.D. (2004) Financing terror: An analysis and simulation for affecting Al Qaeda's financial infrastructure [thesis]. RAND Graduate School []

Klein, P. (2000) International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism. United Nations []

Koh, J. (2006) The suppression of the financing of terrorism: The evolution and implementation of international standards [thesis]. University of Edinburgh [*]

Krieger, T. & Meierrieks, D. (2011) Terrorist financing and money laundering. University of Paderborn,Germany []

Kunreuther, H. (et al.) (2003) Assessing, managing, and financing extreme events: Dealing with terrorism. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research []

Kunreuther,H.C. & Michel-Kerjan, E.O. (2007) Evaluating The Effectiveness of Terrorism Risk Financing Solutions Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research []

Landman, S.I. (2004) Trial exposes charity abuse. Washington, DC: Investigative Project on Terrorism []

Lanzante, J.A. (2009) The relationship between criminal and terrorist organizations and human smuggling [thesis]. Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School [ ]

Lesniak, P. (2011) Stopping the Islamic terrorist financing machine. London School of Economics and Political Science []

Lopez, I. Jr. (2006) The financing of terrorism: Sources, operation methods, and countermeasures [thesis] California State University

Madsen, F. G. (2009) International monetary flows of non-declared origin [thesis]. Univerity of Cambridge []

Maher, C. (2006) Islamic terrorist financing and the PATRIOT Act [thesis]. California State University

McGrath, K. (2007) Sheathing the sword of Damocles: Assessing Al Qaeda and devising a U.S. response [thesis]. University of Maryland [*]

Moeller, S. (2010) Privatizing homeland security: How to efficiently involve the private financial sector in combating terrorist financing in the United States [thesis]. College of St. Scholastica [*]

Müller, S. (2004) Money wars: Hawala and its use to finance terrorism [thesis]. Freiburg: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität [*]

Munshani, K. (2010) The 9 special recommendations on terrorist finance: Operational limitations of the regulatory regime [thesis]. York University, Canada

Neudert Holguin, K. (2012) Assessing terrorist finance regulation: Do the means meet the ends? [thesis]. University of Manitoba []

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2008) Terrorist financing. Parsis: OECD []

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe & Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (2008) Combating the financing of terrorism while protecting human rights: A dilemma? []

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (2012) OSCE handbook on data collection in support of money laundering and terrorism financing: National risk assessments. Vienna: OSCE []

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (2013) Overview of OSCE counter-terrorism related commitments. Vienna: OSCE

Orlova, A. V. (2004) An exercise in futility? A critical analysis of anti-organized crime measures in the Russian Federation [thesis]. York University, Canada

Parrott, N. (2008) An analysis of terrorism financing court cases [thesis]. University of Arkansas

The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh (2009) National strategy for preventing money laundering and combating financing of terrorism 2011-2013. Dhaka: Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit, Bangladesh Bank on behalf of Ministry of Finance []

Reddington, B.J. (2011) Assessing the true effectiveness of AML/CFT controls in developing countries [thesis]. Georgetown University []

Rees, D. (2010) Money laundering and terrorism financing risks posed by alternative remittance. in Australia Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology []

Rodriguez-Rey, P. (2006) A balacing act: Anti-terror financing and guidelines & their effects on Islamic charities [thesis]. Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School 

Rollins, J. & Wyler, L. (2012) Terrorism and transnational crime: Foreign policy issues for Congress. Congressional Research Service (October 19)

Romanick, D. (2006) Terrorist financing operations in Canada: Threats to the security of Canada posed by Al Qaeda and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam [thesis]. University of Calgary

Russell, G. (et al.) (2010) Financing of terrorism: Risks for Australia. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology []

Roth, J. (et al.) (2004) Monograph on terrorist financing. 
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States []

Showell, J. L. (2007) Combat and comply: The effectiveness of international organizations in enforcing terrorist financing law [thesis] American University [*]

Thompson, A.S. (2008) Terrorism’s effect on tourism: Developed vs. developing countries [thesis]. Auburn University: Alabama []

Thompson, R. J. (nyp) Combating terrorist financing and money laundering in a failed state: The consequence of regulating Hawala system in Somalia [thesis]. University of Melbourne

Trouw, H.J. (‎2010) Developments in terrorism financing and Dutch government policy [thesis]. University of Twente []

United Nations (1999) International convention for the suppression of the financing of terrorism. []

United Nations (2009) Tackling the financing of terrorism. New York: UN/CTITF []

U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Financial Services. Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations (2010) A review of current and evolving trends in terrorism financing. Washington: U.S. G.P.O. []

U.S. Congress. House. Committee on International Relations (2004) Saudi Arabia and the fight against terrorism financing. Washington: U.S. G.P.O. []

U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs (2005) Counterterror initiatives in the terror finance program. Washington: U.S. G.P.O. []

U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Finance (2008) Anti-terrorism financing: progress made and challenges ahead. Washington: U.S. G.P.O. []

U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Finance (2005) The Treasury Department and terrorism financing. Washington: U.S. G.P.O. []

U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Governmental Affairs (2003) Terrorism financing: origination, organization, and prevention. Washington: U.S. G.P.O. []

U.S. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on Crime. (2001) Implementation of the international convention for the suppression of terrorist bombings and the international convention for the suppression of the financing of terrorism. Washington: U.S. G.P.O.

U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism (2012) Countering terrorist financing: progress and priorities Washington: U.S. G.P.O. []

U.S. Government Accountability Office (2005) Terrorist financing: better strategic planning needed to coordinate U.S. efforts to deliver counter-terrorism financing training and technical assistance abroad Washington, D.C.: GAO []

Vaccani, M. (2010) Alternative remittance systems and terrorism financing: issues in risk management. Washington, D.C.: World Bank []

Vittori, J. (2008) Idealism is not enough: The role of resources in the autonomy and capability of terrorist groups [thesis]. University of Denver []

Walters, J. (et al.) (2011) Anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing across the globe: A comparative study of regulatory action. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology []

Watson Institute (2004) A comparative assessment of Saudi Arabia with other countries of the Islamic World. Targeting Terrorist Finances Project, Brown University []

Wittig, T. S. (2011) Power, value, and the individual exchange: towards an improved conceptualization of terrorist finance [thesis] University of St. Andrews [*]

Woode, J. B. (2012) Governmental Action Group against Money Laundering (GIABA): Towards a unified regime on prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism in West Africa [thesis]. Union Institute and University

World Bank (2009) Combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism: A comprehensive training guide. Washington, D.C.: World Bank []

Zerzan, A. (2010) New technologies, new risks? Innovation and countering the financing of terrorism Washington, D.C.: World Bank []   

Prime Journal Articles

Abeyratne, R.: Suppression of the financing of terrorism. Journal of Transportation Security 4 (1) 2011 pp.57-71

Acharya, A.: Small amounts for big bangs? Rethinking responses to "low cost" terrorism. Journal of Money Laundering Control 12 (3) 2009 pp.285-298

Ali, S.: Jamaica: shhh…It's secret money? lawyers, money laundering and terrorist financing. Journal of Money Laundering Control 9 (3) 2006 pp.272-280

Allam, M. & Gadzinowski, D.: Combating the financing of terrorism: EU policies, polity and politics. EIPAScope 2009 (2) pp.37-43 []

Allen, W.: The war against terrorist financing. Journal of Money Laundering Control 6 (4) 2003 pp.306-310 [*]

Amicelle, A. & Favarel-Garrigues, G.: Financial surveillance. Journal of Cultural Economy 5 (1, February) 2012 pp.105-124

Anon.: Part 1: International legal developments (Sub-group 1: Critical review of terrorist-related legislation and the monitoring of new legislation). Journal of Money Laundering Control 6 (3) 2003 pp.201-216 [*]

Anon.: Part 7: Investigation and enforcement (Sub-group 3: Implications of investigations and enforcement: international cooperation aspects). Journal of Money Laundering Control 6 (3) 2003 pp.269-288 [*]

Anon.: Part 3: The law in context (Sub-group 2: Impact of the initiatives against terrorist property on banks and financial institutions). Journal of Money Laundering Control 6 (3) 2003 pp.233-247 [*]

Anon.: Part 2: The law: an overview (Sub-group 2: Impact of the initiatives against terrorist property on banks and financial institutions). Journal of Money Laundering Control 6 (3) 2003 pp.217-232 [*]

Ashley, S.P.: The future of terrorist financing: Fighting terrorist financing in the digital age. Penn State Journal of InternatIonal AffaIrs 2 (1, Spring) 2012 pp.9-26 

Atia, M.: Runner-up: In whose interest? Financial surveillance and the “War on Terrorism Finance”. Antipode 31 (1) 2005 pp.165-167

Aufhauser, D. D.: Terrorist financing: foxes run to ground. Journal of Money Laundering Control 6 (4) 2003 pp.301-305

Azevedo Araujo, R.: The effects of money laundering and terrorism on capital accumulation and consumption. Journal of Money Laundering Control 9 (3) 2006 pp.265-271

Bachmann, S.: Bankrupting terrorism: the role of US anti-terrorism litigation in the prevention of terrorism and other hybrid threats: a legal assessment and outlook. Liverpool Law Review 33 (2) 2012 pp.91-109 [*]

Bahney, B. (et al.) (2013) Insurgency compensation. American Economic Review 103 (3, May) 2013 pp.518-522 [*]

Baldwin, Jr, F. N.: The financing of terror in the age of the Internet: willful blindness, greed or a political statement? Journal of Money Laundering Control 8 (2) 2005 pp.157-158

Baldwin, Jr. F. N.: Money laundering countermeasures with primary focus upon terrorism and the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001. Journal of Money Laundering Control 6 (2) 2003 pp.105-136

Bantekas, I.: The International Law of Terrorist Financing. The American Journal of International Law 97 (2, April) 2003 pp.315-333 [*]

Barber, S.: The “New economy of terror:” The financing of Islamists. Global Security Studies 2 (1, Winter) 2011 pp.2-13 []

Basile, M.: Going to the source: Why Al Qaeda's financial network is likely to withstand the current war on terrorist financing. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 27 (3, May) 2004 pp.169-185

Bell, J. L.: Terrorist abuse of non-profit and charities: A proactive approach to preventing terrorist financing. Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy 6 (6) 2008 pp.450-476 []

Bell, R. E.: The confiscation, forfeiture and disruption of terrorist finances. Journal of Money Laundering Control 7 (2) 2004 pp.105-125

Benmelech,E.: The economic cost of harboring terrorism. Journal of Conflict Resolution 54 (2) 2010 pp. 331-353 [*]

Bennett, B.: Cinematic perspectives on the war on terror: The Road to Guantnamo (2006) and activist cinema. New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film 6 (2) 2008 pp.111-126

Bosworth-Davies, R.: Money laundering: towards an alternative interpretation? [Chapter one]. Journal of Money Laundering Control 9 (4) 2006 pp.335-345

Brathwaite, R.: The electoral terrorist: Terror groups and democratic participation. Terrorism and Political Violence 25 (1) 2013 pp.53-74

Buesa, M. & Baumert, T.: Untangling ETA’s finance: An in-depth analysis of the Basque terrorists’ economic network and the money it handles. Defence and Peace Economics 2012 pp.1-22 [*]

Burbidge, N. W. R.: International anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing: the work of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions in Canada. Journal of Money Laundering Control 7 (4) 2004 pp.320-332

Bures, O.: Private actors in the fight against terrorist financing: Efficiency versus effectiveness. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 35 (10, October) 2012, pp.712-732

Cassella, S.D.: Money laundering, terrorism, regulation, laws and legislation. Journal of Money Laundering Control 7 (1) 2004 pp.92-94

Cassella, S.D.: Terrorism and the financial sector: Are the right prosecutorial tools being used? Journal of Money Laundering Control 7 (3) 2004 pp.281-285

Chatain, P-L.: The World Bank's role in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing. International Law FORUM du droit international 6 (2) 2004 pp.190-193

Ching, C-J.: Recent developments in Taiwan? Anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism work. Journal of Money Laundering Control 7 (4) 2004 pp.308-319

Choo, R. & Kwang, K.: Politically exposed persons (PEPs): Risks and mitigation. Journal of Money Laundering Control 11 (4) 2008 pp.371-387

Chukwuemerie, A. I.: International legal war on the financing of terrorism: A comparison of Nigerian, UK, US and Canadian laws. Journal of Money Laundering Control 9(1) 2006 pp.71-88

Cochrane.P.: The funding methods of Bangladeshi terrorist groups. CTC Sentinel 2 (5, May) 2009 pp.1-4 []

Crimm, N.J.: High alert: The government's war on the financing of terrorism and its implications for donors, domestic charitable organizations, and global philanthropy. William and Mary Law Review 45 (2004) p. 1340-1451 []

Croissant, A. & Barlow, D.: Following the money trail: Terrorist financing and government responses in Southeast Asia. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 30 (2, January) 2007 pp.131-156 [*]

Dalyan, S.: Combating the financing of terrorism: Rethinking strategies for success. Defence Against Terrorism Review 1 (1, Spring) 2008 pp.137-153 []

Davis, K. E.: Legislating against the financing of terrorism: Pitfalls and prospects. Journal of Financial Crime 10 (3) 2003 pp.269-274

Demetis, D. S.: Data growth, the new order of information manipulation and consequences for the AML/ATF domains. Journal of Money Laundering Control 12 (4) 2009 pp.353-370

Dishman, C. Terrorism, crime and transformation. Studies of Conflict and Terrorism 24(1) 2001 pp.43-58

Dolar, B. & Shughart, F.W.: The USA PATRIOT Act's differential impact on large and small banks: Evidence from California's high-risk money laundering and related financial crime areas. Journal of Banking Regulation 13 (2) 2012 pp.127-146

Drumbl, M.A.: Transnational terrorist financing: Criminal and civil perspectives. German Law Journal 9 (7) pp.933-944 []

Eccarius-Kelly, V. Surreptitious lifelines: A comparative analysis of the FARC and the PKK. Terrorism and Political Violence 24(2) 2012 pp.235-258

Evans, R.: Organised crime and terrorist financing in Northern Ireland Jane's Intelligence Review 14 (9, September) 2002 pp.26-29 [*]

Forest, J.J.F. Criminals and terrorists. Terrorism and Political Violence 24(2) 2012 pp.171-179

Freeman, M.: The sources of terrorist financing: Theory and typology. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 34 (6, June) 2011 pp.461-475

Freeman, M. (et al.) Pathways to terror: Finding patterns prior to an attack. Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism 5 (1, April) 2010 pp.75-85

Feldman, R.: Fund transfers – African terrorists blend old and new: Hawala and satellite telecommunications. Small Wars & Insurgencies 17 (3, September) 2006 pp.356-366

Fisher, K.: Terrorist threat construction and the transition to permanent British counterterrorism law. Journal of Terrorism Research 2 (3) 2011 []

Gallant, M.M.: Promise and perils: The making of global money laundering, terrorist finance norms. Journal of Money Laundering Control 13 (3) 2010 pp.175-183

Gallant, M.M.: Tax and terrorism: A new partnership? Journal of Financial Crime 14 (4) 2007 pp.453-459

Garmaise, M.J. & Moskowitz, T.J.: Catastrophic risk and credit markets. The Journal of Finance 64 (2) 2009 pp.657-707

Gauri, S.: AML-CTF: A forced marriage post-9/11 and its effect on financial institutions. Journal of Money Laundering Control 16 (2) 2013 pp.142-158

Goldby, M.: The impact of Schedule 7 of the Counter-Terrorism Act 2008 on banks and their customers. Journal of Money Laundering Control 13 (4) 2010 pp.351-371

del Cid Gómez, J.M.: A financial profile of the terrorism of Al-Qaeda and its affiliates Perspectives on Terrorism 4 (No 4) 2010 []

Guilfoyle, D.: International law and counter-piracy in the Indian Ocean. Journal of the Indian Ocean Region 8 (2, December) 2012 pp.202-218

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See also resources on the Internet:

Anti-Money Laundering - U.S. CommondityFutures Trading Commission [] 
Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) – IMF []

The Countering Terrorist Financing Network []

Current list of designated persons, terrorism and terrorist financing – UK Government []

Financial Action Task Force [,2987,en_32250379_32235720_1_1_1_1_1,00.html]

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network []

Financing terrorism – Congressional Research Service Reports (CRS) []

Journal of Money Laundering Control  []

The Terror Finance Blog 

Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, The U.S. Department of the Treasury

United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime []

Terrorism Research Initiative and the Center for Terrorism and Security Studies