Wednesday, August 27, 2014

International terrorism and Al Qaida: I have finally got out to light, by Ali Hammad

About the author

Ali Hammad was born in 1971 and has Bahrainian citizenship. He has married a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation and has two juvenile children with her. He is currently imprisoned in the Zenica jail (BH), since 1997, because of a crime which he may or may not have committed. He had left secondary school, chemical and biological program, but omitted the final year for the grave situation which he was then experiencing. Then, he had continued to attend the unrecognized and forbidden Military Academy in Ossama bin Laden's training camp "Cooliet Javer el-Askhariye" in Afghanistan and finished it in BH from 1992 to 1995. He is former military officer in the counter-attack infantry in the terrorist network "Al-Qaida", and thereafter he resigned from it after the terrorist attack on September 11th. Now, he has become an active member of international counter-terrorist organization and participant in the campaign in the battle against international terrorism of any sort. He has forever taken off military uniform, and now he entertains regular trade activities, i. e. he plans to practice those activities after leaving the prison.

Greetings and thanks are the duty

On June 11th, 2004, Mr. Dushko Tomić has visited me in the Zenica jail for the first time. After a long and friendly conversation we have decided with highly raised Bible and Kor'han to fight together, like one and firm hand, against each and every terrorist group, especially against terrorist network "Al-Qaida", in that I had been a member. Mr. Dushko Tomić is Christian, and I am Moslem, but it has not prevented us from raising Bible and Kor'han once again, promising that we will never, under any pressure, abandon what we have decided and chosen, and that we will tell the truth, only truth, even at the price of losing our heads. We have decided to launch the war against all above-mentioned evil forces, in order to save our and everyone else's children. My book reveals numerous dirty acts and secrets of the mentioned terrorist organization "Al-Qaida". In this book you can read about my sorrow and happiness, and about how I had resigned from the membership of "Al-Qaida" and became participant in international counter-terrorist community. My aim is not to achieve wealth or popularity from the book, but my objective is to warn you – whether you are or are not Moslems – and to call your attention in order that neither you, nor your relatives and friends, may not become the victims of the terrorist network "Al-Qaida", from which you cannot thereafter escape. A person could attempt leaving out, but then follows a short-term liquidation.

Ali Hammad

June 11th, 2004

Part 1

The Grave Childhood

Sunites had always hated me as a member of the Shiite community, which comprises 75% of Bahrain population, but all the important positions in administration belong to the Sunite minority. The royal family is of Sunite origin and they, like all other Sunites, hate Shiites. Shiites that work as officers or personnel in other state institutions cannot occupy higher functions. Shiites live in the poorest and most dirty slums, where the climate is not healthy and causes many diseases. I had felt endangered, for my human rights and my employment rights were denied in my own country.
Father, uncles, aunts etc. despise us. We had lived in a rented house, built of mud and stones, half-ruined and without furniture. In that time, my name was Abdali, well-known and very beloved among the members of the Shiite community. But, the Sunite community thinks that that name is not proper according to Islamitic prescriptions. A person that bears such name will be deprived of employment rights in the wider Arabic world.

Part 2

Injustice from my brother, neighbors and school-friends

As for my compatriots which are Sunites and live in my town, in vicinity or far over, they had not liked me and had not wanted me as a friend. Since I have become aware of myself, my father and brothers have never embraced me nor kissed me. The painful moment, tragedy and the main reason that from an innocent boy I have become cruel bloodsucker is the injustice and terror of my brother, as well as the violation of my human rights that I had experienced from the Bahrainian administration. I have, undercover, begun to visit the mosques that belong to the Sunite communities.

Differences between Salafitism/Vahabitis and terrorism

Salafites or Vahabites belong to the Sunite community, but they have separated from the ordinary Sunites. Their opinion is that one who does not obey to the established propositions and rules may not be the true Sunite, i. e. Moslem. They have some strange customs and rules on the religious basis which do not cause any danger or threat to the mankind.
Salafites/Vahabites and terrorists are similar in only one point, that is "djihad", holy war, the fight on the Allah way, i. e. they say that Moslems must unite into the Islamitic state, which should obey Islamitic rules – they hold that Islam and Moslems are attacked by Christians and Jews, and that the duty of each Moslem is to participate in any liberation of Islamitic land, such as they have done and still do in Palestina, Afghanistan, Burma (Mianmar), Kashmir, Iraq, Chechnya, Pakistan and so on. They have regarded every person not belonging to Islam as an adversary and associate in the battle against Islam. Any Moslem that does not accept the described opinion is hypocrite and renegade.

Members of "Al-Qaida" watch on me and inquire about me

In the mosques which I have clandestinely visited, many Salafites/Vahabites and terrorists, members of the "Al-Qaida" network, have assembled. In that time I could not distinguish terrorists and Salafites/Vahabites, for they are wholly identical by their outlook and character traits. I have perceived that terrorists had had harsh and blood-thirsty look in their eyes. My new friends have learned from me about my hard conditions, about my wish to become Sunite. They have eagerly received me and liked me. What did they want, for God's sake?
I have continued to visit the mosques in which my friends (including members of "Al-Qaida") have welcomed me. They have behaved as usually, so no one has known of their connection with "Al-Qaida" and their secret actions. I have come to know about their secret missions, i. e. the recruitment of younger generations, which they will have sent to a long brain-washing in Afghanistan. They were mostly interested in my life conditions and relations with my family, in my problems, and whether I am excited at the look and smell of blood.

Part 3

A day of sorrow and leaving of my parents' home
My brother have failed in his attempts to prevent me from contacts with Sunites by his terror and abuse. Once he said to me: "I give you half an hour to collect all your things, and leave this home without return." The separation with my family was difficult and bitter.
I depart without return, I go out without target and direction. I haven't got money, I haven't got home, I don't know anyone to address. My departure seems to have not come-back. Fifteen years have already passed since I had separated from my dear relatives.

Street life

Street life, without home, without family and without any intimate, is really difficult and painful. Street life causes one to become wild, ill-tempered, and then to hate everyone. I was rejected and alone.
My brother was right telling me that nobody would help me, including Sunites with whom I had become familiar. The bulk of human eyes did not want to see me, except the eyes of my destiny and of the members of "Al-Qaida", who watched over each my move with a great interest. I have known from somewhere most of the people that followed me. We had been meeting from time to time and talking with one another till I left my home, and they were strongly interested to know everything about me.
I have been hard pressed and frightened for being attended by some people. Then I had not known who they were, what they were and what they wanted from me. But, later, I have become aware that they had been the members of terrorist network "Al-Qaida".
I have lived and found my way in the street. No one could know what a humiliation it is. However, when I completed whole four months in the street, it happened to me something I could not believe, my first meeting and open conversation with the men who had persistently followed me and for whom I had learned that they belong to "Al-Qaida".

Injustice and disinterestedness of the Bahrain administration towards me
We had lived in our home without any income for years – we had always been hungry and ill. I had sent many requests for various jobs in state institutions, but I have always been faced with the same answer – that all the jobs are occupied, only for the reason that I come from a Shiite family!
It is interesting that, when I had fallen as an easy catch in the hands of "Al-Qaida", Bahrain administration has not prevented it. It is impossible that they had not known of my association with "Al-Qaida". Also, they had known of my activities in the Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation in 1992–1995 under the leadership of "Al-Qaida". But, they were not disturbed by my association with "Al-Qaida". In addition, "Al-Qaida" members are Sunites, like Bahrain administration, but I had originated in Shiite family. Whenever I enter or exit that country, whether by plane or by car, I must sustain immoral and illegal investigation. I have twice been expelled from my own country.
They are not disturbed by "Al-Qaida", because "Al-Qaida" has never manifested the wish to deprive them of power, to fight against them or to attack their interests throughout the world.

The first meeting with "Al-Qaida" and the terrible transformation
The injustice had influenced me in the negative sense. I had had the strong wish to revenge on anyone. I had wanted to become a force that can kill each and everyone and to shed anyone's blood, if possible. I had hated every living creature. I had hated the life itself. When I completed 4 months in the street, I met the members of the terrorist network "Al-Qaida" for the first time. They were exactly those people who inquired into me and my problems with family during my visits to the above mentioned mosques. I am still acquaintanced with their look, that frightened me mostly.
"Relax, you need not be afraid. You are our friend and brother in Allah name. We know you better than you imagine. We now want to help and support you. We didn't want to aid you immediately, in order to see how you will behave alone in the street in hard moments, how you will keep up, to what extent you are firm and determined. You are intended to become Allah's warrior. We need a person that have experienced hunger, thirst, suffering, injustice and so on. You hadn't got the faintest idea that you were exposed to a test. We were your actual protectors, and you have successfully passed the exam."
My eyes have been shining bright in the longing for revenge. I have seen a great joy and pleasure in their eyes. "You are elected for a fighter in name of Allah, who could burn the enemy's territory with his foot. So, we are proud of you. Now we go to my home, where you'll have a bath and get clean clothes. From today on you'll accompany us!"

A long friendship, spiritual education for many years and a new love...
It became clear to me why they had carefully inquired me, when we had met in the mosques for the first time, about my problems with family. We have been associated for a year and a half. Their manner of behaving towards me was not only friendship but like we are true brothers. Of course, now it is clear to me what they expected from me, that is to become bully and cold-blooded murderer. For all that, they succeeded to gain my love.
Anyway, they never use their authentic names nor surnames. I have passed much of spiritual education with them. Every day I have listened to their terrorist teaching by which they stuffed my head with increasing hatred and anger with the whole mankind. They told me that peace and agreement should not be licensed until the formation of Islamitic state under the leadership of Allah's warriors. They used to say: "If you ever met Ossama bin Laden and his men, you would think of them as angels, and not human beings. It's impossible to describe their kindness, tenderness and the firm character!"
They succeeded, by brain-washing, to bring about a strong wish in me to meet with Ossama and his men. "Anyhow, we don't use proper names, so you should forget from now on that you are Abdali or Ali. From today your name is Abu Ubeyda. You are named that way by our people."

Leaving the country and the way to joining in "Al-Qaida"

My former innocent and naive childish views became harsh and blood-thirsty, so I became craving for revenge on anyone. In one occasion I have been invited to a house. The owner of that house started to speak:
"Oh, Abu Ubeyda, you've yourself seen and felt on your own skin that there ain't no justice and grace on the part of your relatives. No one loves you so in this milieu as we, Allah's warriors... You'll go away to where you'll be Allah's warrior, where you'll fight against injustice in order not to suffer from what you've experienced in the past. To be more clear, you'll leave for Afghanistan. Bin Laden and his people will wait you there with a great love and welcome."
It became clear to me, too, that it was very critical for me to refuse their offer. They do not know for a kind request, they only command and demand without exception. They saved me from my street life. One man among present ones was a citizen of Saudi Arabia. He said to me: "We leave for Saudi Arabia by car, wherefrom you'll take a flight for Pakistan. The bulk of the boys are already placed in Arabia. There we've acquainted many officers and officials. In Saudi Arabia you will come to know many our friends, which are eager to see you."
There he requested an officer in a voice that reminded more on a demand: "Don't write his authentic name on the plain ticket. Write only Ali. Have you understood?"
I wondered whether that officer worked for "Al-Qaida", that was not excluded. Abu Sundus told me: "Our guys who are there didn't want to see you off for our collective security. The moment you arrived in Islamabad, our guys will wait you at the terminus! They will approach you, be without worry! Good luck!"

Welcome on the airport

When we arrived at the Islamabad international airport, several people with long beards approached me. One of them, for which I have later become aware that he is their head, asked me kindly: "Are you Abu Ubeyda? We are waiting exactly for you. We must wait some guys more." They were young boys, so I was not the only victim of Bin Laden's men. We were in sum 11 new victims.

"Beytul-Ansar" means home of the allies (of "Al-Qaida" and some other terrorist organizations). And the same institution was entitled for the awaiting and receiving of new members.
That institution, depending on the duration of stay of new members, has sent these to the training in the authorized military camps in Afghanistan. It was intended to save and guard their personal property and confidential documents. The cited institution is licensed to take care of brothers within Afghanistan and to provide them with all they needed, for instance money, arms, food, clothes etc. Because of the fact that many fighters who came to fight in Afghanistan were fugitives from their own countries, which are accused for criminal and illegal acts (many individuals dared not communicate with their families and their authentic names and addresses were unknown), that institution has received them and sent to Afghanistan. There they attended numerous appointments with Ossama bin Laden and his commanding personnel.
This institution was not the only one with the same function, but there were more. All those institutions were entitled for the same business, and they have a tight cooperation with one another. Also, all of them were under the leadership of "Al-Qaida" or other terrorist organizations in Afghanistan.
The above-mentioned institution was commanded by Saudi-Arabians, who were appointed by Ossama bin Laden. They knew almost all about me. They were strongly interested in myself and pinned their hopes on me. One among the licensed persons addressed me: "You are obliged to leave your things and documents at the deposit of this institution, except for clothes, personally necessary items and money, if you want."

Military training camps

There were several camps for spiritual and military training in Afghanistan. They were near the war zone. Before entering any military unit, there was the duty to finish the primary training in two camps:
– The El Faruk camp was authorized to train soldiers with elementary military education. After that, they are sent in one of the military units in order that they participate and experience the war reality. Ossama bin Laden once told the visitors of this camp: "These guys who arrive in our camp El Faruk to educate a while and to learn anything – I congratulate them, but they must know that it isn't enough to fight for Islam only during 3–4 months. Ahead of us there is a long-lasting war and very powerful enemy of Islam!"
– The Javer military camp comprised military academy, too. Those who wanted to reside and fight in Afghanistan for a longer time were sent in this camp. This camp was entitled for the specialized training of its attendants. Those who finish the training in this camp become very capable and experienced fighters, warriors who do not recognize fear – become cold-blooded murderers. Once they finished the training in this camp, they have the right to join "Al-Qaida". Thereafter they are distributed throughout the military units in which they will participate in the war. Those soldiers, when they join "Al-Qaida", become very dangerous and critical members. The most of the members of "Al-Qaida" and its leaders have finished the military training in the cited camp, even Bin Laden personally. He said once: "I would not hesitate to admire everyone who had finished the training in this camp Javer. No state cannot have such warriors who like the death."
There were two camps more for the specialized training in Afghanistan. The training in the two camps lasted for nine months. The training attendants in the two camps may be only at the head of "Al-Qaida" and purported generals of the future Islamitic state.
When we arrived in the Javer camp, several military officers and many young boys received us. The small bus that drove us to the camp has returned to Pakistan. In that camp, the worst thing for me was the lack of food, so we had to eat whatever we have found.

Refreshment with a bit of blood

The whole 40 days have passed and they were filled with training and education on various sorts of armament. Then a military officer called me to report in a cave, holding a glass with some dark red liquid in his hand. "Today you have completed the forty-days-training and lively war waging. Therefore I have invited you and prepared a special final task for you. Do you see this glass? That is a bit of enemy's blood. Show me what you would do if you were in front of enemies with this glass of blood! Don't you know how we should behave in face of our enemies? We should drink their blood, maybe eat their flesh, living or dead. If you don't do that, you'll be punished and repatriated! Don't commit a sin! For that matter, drinking someone's blood isn't in the program of this training. You should know, drinking blood isn't allowed in Islam, except in front of the eyes of our enemies, in order to get them frightened. That's a sort of psychological struggle."
Thereafter I drank that blood quickly. The task was fulfilled.

This is war, and my blood is sweeter
The road to the frontline was very dangerous and risky, because of permanent attacks, and Bin Laden's warriors received us at the battlefield. As other numerous young fighters, I have taken part in almost every battle. On one occasion military officer Abu Bashir called for me. He gave me chaki (a sort of knife) and commanded me to cut into my finger. "I want to see your face when you feel the pain and when you observe your own blood flowing. I want to see you licking your own blood!"
Then I cut into my finger and licked blood drops.
Once I have told to the officer that I did not want to die until I have seen my family. He ordered his driver to return me to Pakistan, with an oral message for a sergeant of Beytul-Ansar to take me into Bahrain as soon as possible, until a new order about my case is issued. I went back to Saudi Arabia, where the same man has waited for me who had waited me earlier and sent to Afghanistan. After one or two days a vehicle has driven me to Bahrain. The men from "Al-Qaida" which had supported me were ready to do what I demanded, even if I had wanted to shed blood. I was not allowed to talk with anyone about where I had been and what I had been doing. Nonetheless, I was forbidden to say even to my family that I had become a member (victim) of the most dangerous terrorist organization in the world and that I had been fully misused by very dangerous and bad people.

A difficult task, but very successful

There are members of the "Al-Qaida" terrorist network in each Arabian country. Their mission is to gain young population, disregarding nationality and confession.
When I was in Afghanistan, I saw many warriors being killed, so "Al-Qaida" had to constantly look for new members, in order not to remain without fighters. "Al-Qaida's" guys gained most success among the lower classes and among those facing with various life difficulties. But, currently "Al-Qaida" knows how to gain new members originating from the well-off families, too. The conquering of younger generations is especially successful in Saudi Arabia, Quatar, Yemen (countries of the Arabian Peninsula). The adoptives of "Al-Qaida" in most cases belong to the Islam confession, but others come from other religious communities. The recruits, that is new victims of "Al-Qaida", are used to be sent to military training not only in Afghanistan, but also to the Philippines, Pakistan, Sudan, Kashmir, Dagestan, Tajikistan, Chechnya, Algeria, Yemen, as well as into Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1992–95 war.
Netherlands: In Netherlands, three Libyans and one Egyptian are authorized for the described duty. All the four fought along with Bin Laden in Afghanistan. Those men were very dangerous. They had travelled to Netherlands, where they obtained the right to political asylum.
Italy: Sheikh Anvar Shaban and his organization was in charge for the same job in Italy. That organization had always got an intensive cooperation with "Al-Qaida" (they always fought together). Sheikh Anvar Shaban sent many young guys to Bosnia and Herzegovina to fight along with moudjahedins during the 1992–95 war; among them were the leadership of the former military detachment "El Moudjahedin". At the end of 1993 or by the beginning of 1994 Sheikh Anvar Shaban came personally to BH.
England: The same job is performed by Abu Hamsa al-Misriy and his group in England. He visited Bosnia personally during the war.
Eritrea: One Eritrean, a former Bin Laden's commander in Afghanistan, is licensed for that task in this country. According to Bin Laden's wish, he had departed from Afghanistan for Eritrea, where he took part in the war against Ethiopia.
Ossama bin Laden has placed his guys, who were responsible for the same mentioned inhuman and dirty jobs, in many countries throughout the world, such as Kuwait, Quatar, the United Arabian Emirates and so forth. Many fighters travelled in Azarbaijan, BH Federation (during the war), Sudan, Yemen etc. through the airports of the former countries.
After a short sojourn in Bahrain, where I visited my family, an order was issued (and transmitted to me by Abu Sundus) that I should return to Afghanistan, which I have obeyed, at the end of 1991.

The first meeting with Ossama bin Laden

They have immediately called for me into Jalalabad, where vast terrorist barracks were placed. They took me away to a dugout, where three persons were sitting down, and they were Bin Laden and two of his most active military officers, by names Ibrahim al-Bahraini (which means from Bahrain) and Ossama al-Uzbekhistani. Bin Laden approached me, embraced me with a smile and, after Islamitic greetings, he told me: "Dear Abu Ubeyda, I'm so glad to see you and it's nice that you've become Allah's soldier. We're very proud of you."
Bin Laden and others ignored the surrounding explosions, although several bombs and missiles had fallen in the straightforward vicinity of the dugout in which we have stayed. These men were really without any human feeling and they would be alright even if the whole world were destroyed, that is what they wanted! Bombardment, high-explosive shells, ruins, smoke clouds, the dead, injured here and there ... became something usual for me, everyday appearance, like joy or amusement.

Taking the oath and the official membership in "Al-Qaida"
After Bin Laden's long explication of his organization "Al-Qaida" he asked me: "We want you to become the member of our organization. What do you think about it?" I felt through their looks upon me and through their whispers that I had fallen in a serious trouble and perhaps even in a vital danger.
Such people are very generous when they are happy and satisfied, but when they get angry, they know how to be blood-thirsty and ugly. Bin Laden told me: "Relax! We aren't any evil force over you, but we're all Allah's slaves and brothers in faith."
I don't remember the whole content of the oath, because of length, and it was long ago, but I recall something like the following:
"In the face of witnesses and before Allah dj. sh. (the almighty) who is above us and who doesn't forget, I promise and I swear that no one can and no one will prevent me from fighting in the name of Allah dj. sh. by all means and in all the manners possible for the sake of Islam and all the Moslems throughout the world under the leadership of 'Al-Qaida' till my death, that I will obey and respect all the commandments of the leaders of 'Al-Qaida', were it Bin Laden whether any other Arab or non-Arab. Without discussion, I accept all the tasks required, whether in Afghanistan or in any other country. That I will keep the secrets of 'Al-Qaida' and the fact that I'm member of it, even from the my relatives and the most beloved persons, even from those who belong to the same organization, if it were not for the joint task. That I will do and give anything I can, even give up my life if necessary, in order that 'Al-Qaida' succeed and realize the aim. That I will not betray 'Al-Qaida' in the case of bad luck. That I will not cooperate with other organizations without prior assent of my cell of 'Al-Qaida'..."
After a short friendly conversation, Bin Laden remarked: "Under our leadership you must behave like the true Moslem, Islam gives us right to deprive of life anyone who is our betrayor, were he a member of our organization or not. Among us there are not nor could be a place for betrayors!"
We have also talked about our duty, as Moslems, to struggle and defend Islam to the last drop of our blood. Bin Laden asked me: "What do you want to be in our organization – Allah's soldier who will fight on the frontline in open and announced war, or secret Allah's warrior for performing special missions all over the world?"
I answered: "I've chosen to be soldier on the frontline."
Then he replied: "It's alright. But, that won't be only here, in Afghanistan. You may be sent at a battlefield in any other countries. Our authorized personalities will be informed about all that. Tomorrow we'll send a vehicle for you which will drive you to where your future military unit is placed."
The moudjahedins who fought in Afghanistan were members of "Al-Qaida" and some other terrorist groups, for instance "Hammas", "Al-Fatah", "Gamma al-Islamiya-at", "El-Djihad" etc. There are members of "Al-Qaida" who have not engaged in war anywhere, but they are in charge for special missions throughout the world, e. g. carrying out assassinations of certain figures, deploying car-bombs, gaining younger generations, sponsorship and so on. The members of "Al-Qaida" are not in most cases aware of other members of the same organization.

Ossama bin Laden

Bin Laden's family is numerous and well-known in Saudi Arabia, and Ossama is exceptionally educated person. Many Moslems consider the struggle against him and his organization as the struggle against Islam itself. For that reason he have achieved much of secret help and support.
He knows very well the deployment and elaboration of military plans, topographical positions and many other war tactics. I have often seen him during bitter battles among his soldiers on the very frontline. He has always had time to sit down and talk about potential problems with his fighters. He lives modestly and thinks that one should sacrifice all personal wealth and income for the benefit of Islam.

The founding of "Al-Qaida" and great plans

"Al-Qaida" was founded approximately in 1987 or 1988 in Afghanistan. It was after the aggression by the former USSR. The heads of "Al-Qaida" deem that the true Islamic state should struggle furiously for the liberation of – allegedly – occupied Islamitic territory throughout the world, e. g. Spain, Italy, Caucasus, Burma (Mianmar) and so forth. After the liberation of the cited territories, they would unite and become the United Islamic States.
Thereafter, it follows the election of khalifa (emperor), who will lead such state, that would resemble the former Ottoman Empire. Then they will launch a harsh war for the liberation of the whole world, that is now under the leadership of Christianity, Jews and others. In addition, all the betrayors will be executed, all those who gave any help to the enemies, were they Moslems or not. So, an army (amply sponsored) should be established for that goal and those plans. Bin Laden has invested his enormous financial resources in the foundation and sponsorship of "Al-Qaida". "Al-Qaida" and its allies will be the only candidates for the leadership and management of the described future islamic state of shariya (islamic law, consisting of Mohammad's prescriptions), in which Islamitic customs alone will be allowed.

Part 4

Adversaries became comrades

"Al-Qaida" has from its foundation become far stronger and more active than all other islamic terrorist organizations, because of its enormous financial capacities. "Al-Qaida" has quickly received a great number of fighters and other members. Many members of other terrorist groups have joined "Al-Qaida". Bin Laden has with his intentions gained the support and help of almost complete Moslem world, the officials of Islam countries – many of them have clandestinely supported Bin Laden and his organization. The Egyptian terrorist organization, named "Gama-at el-Djihad al-Islamiya", supported and welcomed the establishment of "Al-Qaida". It helped to the highest extent and cooperated with "Al-Qaida". Today one of the heads of that organization Abu-Ayman al-Zavahiri became the main associates of Bin Laden and the master-mind of "Al-Qaida". Various terrorist organizations renewed their mutual relationships and started to collaborate. "Al-Qaida" showed capabilities and without it many foreign moudjahedins could not have come to Afghanistan to join the struggle. "Al-Qaida" has soon succeeded to establish the contacts and cooperation with numerous Islamitic officials.
It also gained much confidence and love of almost all the Moslems throughout the world. It is interesting that "Al-Qaida" has managed to obtain the support and confidence of all the other islamist terrorist organizations. I should note that among the "Al-Qaida" members there are no Shiites, but they are only those who renounced from the Shiite community and their religious rituals and then became Sunites.
In the city of Jalalabad (Afghanistan) there were many military barracks and camps with various functions, and in the case of harder woundings, the injured fighters were transported to Pakistan. In my military unit there were many young soldiers, mostly Libyans, but there were also quite many Saudians.
The largest and the most secure military base in Jalalabad was Bin Laden's cave. It was placed in the mountains at the frontier to Pakistan. Enormous amounts of arms, ammunition and food were placed in that base. In 1991 I took part in one of the greatest military attacks. Ossama bin Laden has personally attended and commanded foreign moudjahedins during the whole attack. In my life I had never seen nor dreamt of so many killed people as then.
After that battle an officer shot one captive in his head, saying: "Go to hell! I wouldn't save his life even if he were my own brother. Why should we save his life while he was fighting against us and our faith?"

The world created "Al-Qaida"

The results of the specialized investigations and analyses of the creation and development of "Al-Qaida" would demonstrate that this network had developed with the help and support of many officials and high employees of various (Islam) countries. I think that it is necessary to have prior appointments and agreements in view of those special services, for something like that cannot be agreed by regular post or phone.
Also, all Bin Laden's talks (which I have personally listened to) and talks of his military officers and associates, not only in Afghanistan, but also in Saudi Arabia and Bosnia, as well as the very tragedies they have caused, prove that the leaders of "Al-Qaida" has performed such appointments with some unknown officials from numerous countries of the world, for it is necessary to have some undercover support, collaboration and consent of occupants of high positions in some countries in order to develop organization of that sort and to purchase the material required (primarily armament).
The Afghani moudjahedins and Bin Laden has gained much small and big arms from the Near East, and among them howitzers, too. The armament was transferred to a Pakistanian port, wherefrom it is conveyed by trucks, with the armed escort of the Pakistanian police, to the Afghanistanian destination. Not only money enabled "Al-Qaida" to get those arms, but also "Al-Qaida's" representatives had arranged secret meetings with certain officials and employees who have exported the cited armament, without obstacles, to any destination. Afghanistanian moudjahedins have whole-heartedly aided, protected and supported Bin Laden and his organization, until the appearance of Talibans, which have later on gained the confidence of Bin Laden. It is impossible to hide a howitzer sized 130 mm in a ship, because it weighs 30 ton, and it can be concealed from the borderline police; nor it is imaginable that the howitzer may be transported to Afghanistan across the territory of Pakistan without passing the Pakistan frontier in front of the eyes of appropriate institutions. I was an eye-witness that "Al-Qaida" purchased enormous amounts of food, cars, technical devices and other necessary goods, which are exported from Pakistan into Afghanistan, via border crossings.

Pakistan: The "Beytul-Ansar" institution was licensed for many illegal activities, and among them there are receiving of young recruits, sending them to appropriate camps for the sake of military training. Pakistan allowed the establishment of many such institutions, and permitted their work without any disturbance or control. "Beytul-Ansar" has received from some Pakistani officials many incomplete applications for one-year visa or residential license prolongation for the Pakistani territory. Those incomplete applications were regular, with the stamp and signature of the authorized Pakistanian institution which issues such documents.

Saudi Arabia: Saudian authorities reduced at 50% the costs of air-flights to Pakistan only for those who want to fight in Afghanistan, but that had to be after the verbal guarantee of one of Bin Laden's men. Much of the armament was sent by ship to a Pakistanian seaport. After the takeover it is transported by trucks (with the escort of Pakistanian police) and delivered to "Al-Qaida". In Afghanistan, I have many times experienced personally the arrival of Pakistanian trucks which transported food and armament.

Will "Al-Qaida" one day become a nuclear force?

I have listened to numerous Bin Laden's talks: "Our enemies are very aggressive. One day we could provide nuclear weapons. We still try negotiating with Pakistanians in order to get nuclear weapons. We will attempt to establish a link with Russians. We have earlier tried to forge such contact, but there are still no results. I hope that one day Italians will perceive us in the heart of Rome."

September 11th and "Al-Qaida"

At the end of 1991 or at the beginning of 1992 he spoke approximately 40 minutes: "We will destroy Pentagon in order that the whole world, especially America, should know that the USA are not the first megaforce, as Americans use to imagine. Thereafter we'll annihilate their White House, to let America know that their politics mustn't be like a policeman authorized for the whole wide world. Our third shot will be a nuclear one. Then America and Americans will disappear. Then the American white flag will be raised once for all."
Also, in 1997, in Bosnia, I met with the former leader of the moudjahedin brigade, named "El Moudjahedin", who became later the owner of trade company "Bedr Bosnia", that was placed in Zenica (the Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation, more precisely the Middle Bosnia). He and other moudjahedins warned me that it is very dangerous to refuse the orders of any cell of "Al-Qaida". In the same time, they said that America would receive a horrible shock and that it would most probably be very soon. They said, if that act succeeded and its executor(s) survived, they would get 10 million dollars each.

The delegation for Burma

There are in Burma (Mianmar) certain vernacular moudjahedins who wished to fight against their buddhist authorities and those moudjahedins highly respected and adored Bin Laden, so they requested him to sponsor and arm them and to send them trained men in order that they could together announce the holy war (djihad) against the buddhists, because they do not want their country to be islamic. Bin Laden ordered his high military officer Asmaray to recruit as quickly as possible and to send several guys to Burma (Mianmar) to investigate the conditions and circumstances of the terrain and to meet the appropriate native men. Officer Asmaray said:
"It's highly probable that a moudjahedin military unit will be placed in the jungles of Burma. One who wants to go there must be determined and ready not to see one's home for years. Soon our mandate in this country (i. e. Afghanistan) will be finished. As I've said, we'll most probably travel for Burma, where we'll try to arrange and organize an army, including us and Burmanian Moslems."
After my refusal, he said with disappointment: "Is it that you refuse the order? It's not me who commanded that, but it's our head Bin Laden. Do you remember that you've promised and taken the oath, don't you? This could be a great fault on your charge. That was the order for you! Understood? You mustn't debate about any order!"
He took out his gun promptly from the case, looking now at it, now at me. I felt a little bit of disorder and fear.
Four or five guys travelled for Burma as perfumers who wanted to meet native tradesmen engaged in that business. They went back (in Afghanistan) in 10 or 15 days.

Special mission launched throughout the world

The leader of "Al-Qaida" Ossama bin Laden has sent many of his high officers and warriors from Afghanistan to certain locations in the whole wide world. Each of them has been sent, whether in groups or individually, onto some new job or task, which happened in high secrecy. I know that all the military unit commanders in that period have repeatedly met Bin Laden, very frequently, and he set them out for new tasks, for instance what countries they should go to or which locations to choose for their new missions.
High officer Ibn el-Khatab, his representative Abu Hakhim and his military unit spent rather much time in Afghanistan, but then they were sent to Tajikistan, where they fought, together with Tajiks, against Russians. After a certain period they left for Chechnya.
Abu Doujaneh el-Eritriy was sent alone to Eritrea. Officer Asmaray has stayed in Afghanistan for a longer time, and then he was sent to Philippines, where he joined Philippinian terrorist group, named "Abu Sayyaf". Three persons (warriors) were sent to Netherlands, and those were Abu Khatib al-Libiy, Azzam al-Libiy and Abdel-Rahman el-Misriy (from Missir, i. e. Egypt). They were authorized for the recruitment of the younger population in Netherlands, disregarding their ethnicity and confession. Then those agitated young guys have been sent to military training in Afghanistan or another country. The cited three persons were ordered to applicate for a political asylum and to marry Dutch girls in order to get Netherlandian citizenship. The mandate for such a task may last for years.

After I have left Afghanistan I came to know that Bin Laden sent Yemenian Abu Abdel el-Azziz to Bosnia onto some special missions, with an enormous amount of money. He has received the task to found a moudjahedin military unit, requiring that it included Bosniac people, but not only foreign moudjahedins. That unit was developing very rapidly and finally became a recognized light infantry brigade of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, named "El Moudjahedin" detachment.
Once Bin Laden addressed a letter to the Saudi-Arabian king Fahd, in which he offered to liberate Kuwait from the alleged American conquest and from the possible attack of the former Iraqi (Sadamian) regime. In turn, he set the following conditions: Saudian authorities must not call for help from the USA and Saudi Arabia should forbid the arrival of the US Army. But, Saudian administration decidedly rejected such an offer. In that period I was aware that I would be sent somewhere, but I did not know neither where nor when.

Part 5

Vacations in my own country, but nevertheless as a stranger

The resigning from "Al-Qaida" carries with it multiple risks and may be a ground for one's liquidation. After my return to Bahrain I have not resided in any determined place. Mostly the members or collaborators of "Al-Qaida" have cared after me. They have received me with a great welcome, but I have regarded my sojourn in their homes as a serious obstacle. I was disturbed by the tragedies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but I have not got the faintest idea that I would soon have to go there.
Prince Abu el-Fatih, Abu el-Hassan and Abu Hellad have originated in Bahrain and they looked for me in order to convey an urgent message. "Tomorrow we leave for Bosnia. Have you heard about Bosnia and do you know what happens there these days? Listen, moudjahedins have already arrived there, where they currently search for an adequate location where to arrange a training camp and where to place our headquarters. Time has come that we must struggle against Christians, damned dogs. Together with our Bosniac brothers, we will tear off Serbian heads. We have already prepared everything necessary, as well as air-tickets for Zagreb (Croatia). Get ready to join us. We don't have enough time! Abu Ubeyda (my new name), let's speak frankly, this is the order of our leaders. There are many our guys from various countries who have already set out to leave for Bosnia."
No wonder that I has become an easy catch for "Al-Qaida". I come, nonetheless, like numerous members of "Al-Qaida", from the lower class, so the terrorists have exploited our disadvantages and troubles. But, I will never understand why "Al-Qaida" have attracted many prominent people from the higher class, for instance the above-mentioned Prince.

Repeated commandment and travel to Bosnia

So, I have stayed in my country, but I have lived as a stranger. One month after the departure of the cited group for Bosnia I have got very nervous and worried. I was afraid that "Al-Qaida" could do harm to me since I had not left for Bosnia, although I had received the order a month ago. Every day I have awaited their message with the same commandment and the criticism for ignoring the order on time. Prince Abu el-Fatih died in Bosnia, in an operation when some other foreign moudjahedins perished, too.
Abu-Hellad said to me: "Look, Abu el-Fatih died. Abu el-Harris has still stayed in Bosnia. Abu el-Harris sends you cordial regards and says you must depart as soon as possible. You are late too much. The head Abu Abdel-Azziz and Vahjudin el-Misriy, as well as other guys, wait for you."
Then I understood and it was clear to me that I must leave for Bosnia, too. He transmitted me the second message that I have to travel immediately to Bosnia. I may claim that he is a collaborator of "Al-Qaida" only for the fact that he was aware with whom he was fighting and associating in Afghanistan, and thereafter in Bosnia.
I told him: "I'll leave for Bosnia in a few days. When I arrive in Croatia, what should I do then, that is, whom I should address?"
He replied: "You should ask a taxi driver to take you to the Zagreb mosque. There you'll meet our guys. Perhaps, you won't recognize them, but they'll recognize you. They'll help you until you arrive in Bosnia, where moudjahedins will receive you."
At a piece of paper he wrote the name of a male person and a telephone number. He gave me the note and said: "This is the phone number of one Sudanian who lives in Split (Croatian town at the Adriatic Sea). When you arrive in Split, call him, but don't forget to remind him that I have referred you to him. At the bus station in Travnik (the Middle Bosnia) the confidential native people will wait you. They will take you to the moudjahedins. Those guys are the members of a Moslem, Travnikian military unit, named 'The Moslem Force'. There, you will tell them to send you immediately in the village under the name Karaula, especially sector Gradina. Our unit is located there." I reasoned – nothing awaits me in Bosnia, except for killing or being killed, and all that for nothing.
So, I left for Bosnia in September 1992. That moment I was 21 year old. I reached the Zagreb mosque by a cab, and there I happened to meet Bahrainian Abdel-Bankiy. I entered the court of the mosque, which was full of Bosnians. There I met a Sudanian – he was an official in the Islamitic humanitarian organization named "Third World Relief Agency". Two more men were with him, also from Sudan, and he asked me: "They called me from Bahrain and informed me that you would arrive here today. You'll, of course, continue on the route to Bosnia, won't you?"
They drove me by car to a building in that their organization was placed. There I met several Arabs unknown to me. I departed for Split (Croatia) by bus. In the same bus I saw two foreigners. We exchanged greetings for a short time, but they were unknown to me. Later we have met one another in Bosnia from time to time.

Travnik was my first station

I called the telephone number that Abu-Hellad had already given me in Bahrain. I talked with a certain unknown Sudanian. I presented him myself with the following words: "I'm Abu Ubeyda el-Bahrainiy. I come from..."
He interrupted me saying: "Oh, yes. You've arrived? Welcome, I've known you should arrive."
I was not surprised that he had recognized me, in spite that I had never met him. It is very likely that Abu-Hellad had informed him about my arrival.
At the bus station in Travnik I have stood waiting for the men who should receive me. The above-mentioned two Arabs tried to approach me and conversate, but without success.
The man authorized for recruitment came to me, welcomed with Islamitic greetings, smiled and said in a brilliant Arabian: "I come from the unit 'The Moslem Force'. Your people are the members of my unit. Do you need visit our headquarters? I'll lead you away to your guys, if you want?"
The two Arabs ascertained that they seek the same military unit. I was astonished that the young soldier spoke Arabian perfectly, but his mother was of Syrian origin.
Brigadier general Assim had got a notebook in which he have written down the names and surnames of all the foreign moudjahedins which resided in his unit. There was a duty in his unit to obey all the Islamitic prescriptions and religious rules.
He told me: "I had been a bad man and faulty as Moslem, and then our brothers from far away came to help us and fight together against tchetniks (i. e. Serbs). They are very pious and excellent Moslems." I asked brigadier Assim to send me to the frontline at Karaula (Gradina), where the foreign moudjahedins were placed. He approved that, then he wrote down my counterfeit name in his notebook. I received an automatic gun. As for the above-mentioned two Arabs, they stayed in Travnik. Later on they came in the village Karaula.
There is no ground to claim that the foreign moudjahedins arrived here in Bosnia in order to help the allegedly endangered Moslem Bosnian people. If it were the case, why have then killed and slaughtered innocent men, women and children in Algeria, like they do right now, too? "Al-Qaida" was founded in order to pour the whole world with blood. In the name of shedding the blood of innocent people, "Al-Qaida" seeks for enormous amounts of money.

I have upset the commander

One of the soldiers took me to a large house in the village of Gradina, with foreign moudjahedins. After the morning prayer I met foreign moudjahedins of Arabian origin. Their commander was Tunisian by name Abu Sead el-Tunisiy.
He asked me: "Are our heads, Abu Abdel-Azziz and Vahjudin el-Misriy, informed that you are here, in my unit?" Probably, my arrival caused his worries and fear that I was sent to take over the leadership over that unit. In that village I met my compatriot Abu el-Harris el-Bahrainiy, who was with the above-mentioned Prince Abu el-Fatih, when he died in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I also met one Egyptian with whom I have had an acquaintance in Afghanistan. Most of the soldiers in that unit were unexperienced young boys sent there from various European countries, especially Italy, for instance two Tunisians.

Bosnia is a good terrain, maybe shelter too

The camp for military training and the main cell and headquarters were placed in the village of Mehurići near Travnik. The prime head and organizator were Yemenian Abu Abdel-Azziz and his representative and expert for military actions Egyptian Vahjudin el-Misriy. Both of them are well-known figures in "Al-Qaida" and the counsellors of Ossama bin Laden.
After a while some foreign moudjahedins have arrived in Bosnia, who came as volunteers to defend Bosnian Moslem people. Thereafter, the number of foreign moudjahedins increased by incredible speed. In 1993 the most of the foreign moudjahedins arrived in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

I must learn Bosnian, and Italy is not forgotten

Ten days later the head of the moudjahedins Abu Abdel-Azziz and his representative Vahjudin visited our military unit. After the inspection, we entered one room – the head, his representative, the unit commander and his representative, and me. The head of moudjahedins addressed me by these words: "Abu Ubeyda, you're late very much. Haven't you been informed properly? I believe there's a reason for your coming too late. Now, it's important that you've arrived."
Vahjudin was rigid, severe and aggressive. He has angrily watched me and said: "With a great respect towards the head, but your coming late is a serious problem for me. You've learned so much, but you haven't still learned the most vital thing, and that's discipline and fulfilling the task on time. You're already late three months, why that? The order must be carried out promptly."
The head Abu Abdel-Azziz smiled, and then told me: "When we enter one's home, we struggle till our last breath in order not to abandon it. A difficult job, maybe long lasting, is in front of us. We have reached near Italy. Who knows how long we'll fight in this terrain? Therefore you will need speak vernacular language, so that you can communicate with Bosniacs, for we would struggle together with them."
I wonder what is the relation of the arrival of moudjahedins and Italy, does "Al-Qaida" plan to prepare big and painful surprises for Italian people in the future. But, I have earlier, when I had been in Afghanistan, listened to Ossama bin Laden personally when he expressed his great interest in Italy.
I found out earlier that the above-mentioned head of moudjahedins Abu Abdel-Azziz had been sent to Bosnia and that he had then had by him about 10 million dollars for the task that is ordered by Ossama bin Laden.

A new terrain and black list

The sergeant of the domestic army met with our heads in Mehurići, so they decided to send the same brigade in the village Bijelo Bučje, near Travnik (Bosnia), and among them my military unit, too. Vahjudin – military expert – was authorized for the military jobs of the moudjahedins in Bosnia, and he was the representative of the moudjahedins' head Azziz.
In that newly formed unit in Bijelo Bučje there were 107 moudjahedins, precisely 70 Arabs, 25 Turks, under the command of one Turk, and 12 native moudjahedins, who were commanded by one Bosniac.
Later on, the moudjahedins' head Abu Abdel-Azziz left BH, handing his responsibilities and leadership over to his representative Vahjudin el-Misriy. Abu Abdel-Azziz received an urgent message from Ossama bin Laden to depart from Bosnia and to return quickly in Saudi Arabia, in the city of Mekha, where he should have met with Bin Laden personally.
In 1994 Abu Abdel-Azziz visited BH again and met with the heads of the moudjahedin brigade, which then was already named "El Moudjahedin" Detachment. My war colleagues in that military unit were: Bosniac, Egyptian, Tunisian, Algerian, French (of Arabian origin), Libyan, Swede (of Algerian origin), Saudian, Jordanian, Afghan...
In the attack on Ilijaš (a suburb of Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia) in 1992 Bosnians started without any plan. I regret 400 men, who had believed in the false morality and courage, which we had inspired in them, and we then led them directly into death. We fell into a trap and encirclement. Among Bosniacs there were many perished people. Only on our part there were 40–50 killed soldiers.

All the people are Allah's enemies
I happened to meet Algerian Mustafa el-Jezairiy, which held a gun on his shoulders. He thought that the international organization of Red Cross was the enemy and adversary of Islam, only because their designation is cross. So, for him every building that carries cross is inimical building in that plans for destruction of all Moslems of the world are forged! Many of the members and collaborators of "Al-Qaida" cherish the same ill opinion.

It was not committed by Croats, but by moudjahedins
All the soldiers have recounted me about the liquidation of two foreigners, that had happened two days before my arrival. When Abu Mais came across with other moudjahedins, then those foreigners exited their car, carrying with them journalist equipment. Abu Mais told them that he would give them interview the next day and make them possible to record a journalist reportage in the moudjahedin unit in Bijelo Bučje village. The unlucky foreigners were very interested and accepted Abu Mais' offer. But they were horribly cheated.
Ali, the unit commander, approved kidnapping of those journalists. The trouble is that moudjahedins were sure that the journalists were not really professionals, but spies sent to watch the moudjahedins.
When the two journalists arrived, six kidnappers hijacked them and took them by force into Bijelo Bučje, where they placed them in the house in which moudjahedins resided. After the forced acknowledgment, they were tortured and abused. The victims were executed by bullets from automatic guns in their heads; the moudjahedins chose the place near the stream for the committed crime in order that the inhabitants of the village and the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina will believe that it was the near-by HVO (Croatian irregular army) who committed the crime. The village inhabitants have spoken later that Croats had killed two unknown males, just like moudjahedins wanted to seem.

Foundation of moudjahedin administration

The head of the moudjahedin forces in Bosnia, Vahjudin el-Misriy, has in that period organized a new moudjahedin administration, which was located in the village of Mehurići, near Travnik (BH). After the war the same administration has organized the community of Bočinja and engaged in trade, establishing the trade company named "Bedr Bosnia" (which means: nice meat).
He met all the elected members in Mehurići and appointed Abu el-Harris el-Libiy for the prime head of moudjahedins in Bosnia, nominated himself for the head representative and the authorized person for the military issues and jobs of the moudjahedins in Bosnia (administration), as well as the military and civil commanders of moudjahedin forces, but he did not exclude the possibility, if necessary, of increasing the number of members of that administration.
He stressed that the newly founded administration would reside and act in Bosnia not only during the war, but also later, indefinitely long. Because of that, he advised all the members of the administration to marry BH women in order to get the citizenship of BH. By the way, it is impossible to organize moudjahedin administration which would be located in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to appoint the commanders without prior awareness and assent by the main cell of "Al-Qaida".

Kidnapping of the Croatian general

Abu el-Harris el-Libiy had sent the four fighters to kidnap a Croatian general, then they should safely take him into the moudjahedin headquarters in Mehurići. When that general passed, the cross-fire between hijackers and the general's guard broke out, in that, allegedly, all the guardians were killed. The hijackers took the general and his vehicle to the hotel in Rostovo (near Travnik), where a Bosnian military unit was located. That kidnapping was planned and carried out without awareness and assent of the domestic army. I could not prevent it, because it was ordered by men at a rather higher position than me.
Moudjahedins, that is ordinary warriors, were actually strange human beings. They have appeared to me as if they did not want to use their brains, but always waited someone who would lead and command them, regardless of whether they have got benefit from those orders or not, whether they are harmful for them or not. They have behaved as programmed robots, directed by remote control, and not as living beings gifted with reason.

The arrival of moudjahedins in BH is one of the causes of the conflicts between the (Moslem) BH Army and HVO (Croatian irregulars)
Whenever we have travelled from Bijelo Bučje to Travnik or inversely, we had (as members of BH Army) to pass the checkpoint of HVO at the mountain of Meshtchema. From the beginning HVO had neither forbidden nor hindered our transitions through their territory, and the true cause of later conflicts and quarrels between the BH Army and HVO in that area was the presence of foreign moudjahedins in the vicinity, because Croats started to block the corridor for the fear about their own security.
The Bosniac troops were ready for the attack at the Croatian position Meshtcheme with the justification that HVO had launched the war against the (Moslem) BH Army.
I could not resist to take part in that attack. We (moudjahedins) started and rushed, and domestic army was behind us, waiting us to break the Croatian frontline and hiding in a forrest. Bosniac people throughout Bosnia have had the opinion that foreign moudjahedins had come from far away to wage the war within the BH Army only in order to die in Bosnia. For this reason, they always pushed us in front of them in each military attack we took part in, and they were near us, but properly hidden behind trees. When they have returned untouched to their homes, leaving foreign moudjahedins at the battlefield as corpses. Then they have simply been commenting:
"The greatest respect to them! They're brave boys and they've got what they've always wanted!"
That is the death in Bosnia.
They have exploited foreign moudjahedins in that way and they have held them for a living shield and disposable material – many of the members, collaborators and admirers of "Al-Qaida" and Ossama bin Laden have themselves uttered in any circumstances that they had come to Bosnia intending and longing to die.

It was not braveness, but unwillingness to live
When we conquered one Croatian village, we saw that its inhabitants rush here and there in great fear and panic, we heard children weeping and women crying, we saw some men carrying furniture on their shoulders. Moudjahedins have looked at the frightened inhabitants of the village like the wolves watching sheep. They were rather blood-thirsty and in the mood for the most monstruous killing. They were unimaginably agressive and furious, those blood-suckers which waited impatiently for intrusion, asking me to approve them the entry into the village, before the victims (villagers) have escaped.
Shortly after our leaving the village, soldiers and civilians who had arrived from several places entered it in order to rob the houses. One house was in indescribable disorder, and precious things were carried away. The village was in complete chaos, that is it was destroyed. It looked very gloomy, as if it had never been inhabited. Such horrible sights has always been and will always be intended and wished by "Al-Qaida" and its members. In that village there were some Bosniacs, civilians and soldiers, who have wandered here and there, searching for what they could rob in addition. One old man was hit in his jaw, so the bullet passed through his tongue, creating a large hollow. The person who committed that crime did not want to kill him immediately, but wished to disable the old man that he could not eat, so that he would feel many pains and die slowly because of hunger and bleeding out.

Part 6

"Al-Qaida" watches the activities of its guys

Fifteen days after the attack on Meshtcheme, the head of the moudjahedins Vahjudin el-Misriy visited us. He held to all of us an islamist lecture in which he spoke mostly about the holy war (djihad), about our fight and sacrificing in the name of Allah.
After that he addressed me in front of all the soldiers: "Look, Abu Ubeyda, you'll answer and give a plausible explanation about your strange orders and several complaints lodged against you. I'm afraid that in so far you fail to give a plausible explanation there'll ensue some consequences – not only demission from the commander position, but maybe also..."
I interrupted him: "You mean bullet in my head?"
He responded: "We behave that way towards our enemies and towards them who collaborate with him or help him. Are you frightened?"
Then he said: "You'll never know who have complained against you, for I hold that it's not necessary. You may freely think that I blame you for some things about which you must give a good explanation now, and they'll listen to our exchange. It isn't so important that you persuade them that you aren't guilty, but it's essential that you convince me personally."
He was aware of everything that had happened in our military unit, i. e. he had got his guys in the unit, who I have not known, and those guys had attended to my actions, as well as my behavior towards fighters, so they informed him. I know that he was informed in detail about our described attack. Throughout his story, it was undoubtedly clear that he threatened me indirectly by a severe punishment, which might be capital punishment, too. It was perfectly clear to me when I joined "Al-Qaida" that I would be murdered one day and I have not excluded the possibility to be killed the moment that they would be saturated with me.
He replied: "I didn't like that your action. I say we should be tender and merciful towards Moslems, but we must be cruel against non-Moslems. I would never help the Allah enemies. I would have killed all of them (the inhabitants of the attacked Croatian village). You will be deprived of the duty when our administration decide it. That's not a matter for discussion. Do you have anything to say? We'll never forgive, but punish soon. Stand up immediately and do 20 exercises!"

I told him: "When I went to Afghanistan for the first time, I was sent to military training. Then I was introduced to waging the war. Your colleague spoke about severity and discipline. I have listened to the same speech by officer Ossama el-Uzbekhistani. You perfectly know that he was at a higher position than you. I had been in Afghanistan for 13 months, during which I passed several trainings in various camps. The commanders were very strict and behaved unkindly, and they didn't give us neither enough food nor they provided us with sufficient rest. Without any anger I received their punishments and provocations. Whenever they did it, I showed them by smiling my sportist spirit. Let's say I'm strict, but soldiers should sustain my severity, like I sustained for 13 months, if they wish to achieve knowledge and experience."
After that we stayed alone in a separate room, where he said to me: "The goal of my arrival wasn't to test or punish you, but to visit you and to transmit a new news about you. I had to question you in front of all, because some of your fighters had really complained. From the vicinity and without your awareness, they watched your job and your management of the unit, as well as your battles, military tactics and so on, so we were convinced that you've become a person capable for the function of the unit commander. Therefore, I've written a positive report about you, with which our heads will be introduced. The report will be sent somewhere where it will be saved and protected. Your battle for Meshtcheme was the last exam on the terrain, because of which you've got a good mark. So, by means of that attack you've finished the military academy you had started in Afghanistan. You'll know all when the moment and wanted position come about."

In one occasion, Zuhdija Adilović, excellently educated person with Islamitic faculty, was much liked, not only in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also widely in Arabian countries, especially in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. But, after his lecture Egyptian Abu Handala el-Misriy was incredibly disappointed. He was boiling in rage against Adilović, blaming him with the strongest accusations, e. g. that he was a renegade of Islam. So, he cocked his rifle, waiting for the arrival of Adilović, saying to all of us: "Let him come. I will wait him! Who gave him the right to allow what Allah forbade? I will empty my cartridge belt in his head. He is renegade and infidel."
He was simply blood-thirsty. Abu Handala said to me, pleading: "He's a true kafir (infidel) and deserves death. You've personally witnessed that he haven't withhold his lie. This is the unique opportunity and let's not miss it. No one will perceive it nor anyone will suspect that it's us who have commited that!"
When HVO (Croats) lost the battle and the control at the Meshtcheme, they have closed the main road which links Travnik and Zenica (in the Middle Bosnia). For that reason, the top general of the Seventh corps Mehmed Alagić and the representative of the moudjahedins' head Vahjudin el-Misriy met with one another and decided to undertake the extensive attacks on several Croatian locations (villages). Vahjudin el-Misriy with his moudjahedins from Mehurići attacked and occupied Guča Gora. When I arrived in Guča Gora, which was in unbelievable chaos and disorder, there I found moudjahedins, concerned with planting explosive under the local catholic church. They thought that the destroyed church would be a great shock for all the believers of the catholic confessions, especially for Vatican.

Later, I talked with Abu es-Sidik and I warned him that the consequences of the church destruction may be very terrible. Nevertheless, I conceived that any talk with him was idle and had no sense. Vahjudin was afraid that the church destruction would bring about the hatred and opposition on the part of the BH (Moslem) Army, which would further mean that moudjahedins might be expatriated from BH. By that means "Al-Qaida's" mission and plans for the continued presence in this country would fail. During the attack on the cited village about twenty Croatian civilians were taken captives, among them one juvenile, so they were taken away somewhere near the village, where they were executed in different ways. Abu Minna el-Misriy took part in the attack on the village, as well as in barbarian killing of twenty BH citizens. He described it with great pleasure, showing his satisfaction because of engagement in this attack:
"Thanks to Allah dj. sh. that he enabled me to kill his enemies with my own hand. It's honor and pleasure for me. I raged so I catched a boy with the left hand, and hit him down in the neck with the right one by my knife. When I colded him, then I separated his head from the body. What should I have done, not to kill him? Why should we be charitable towards them (non-Moslems)? They don't deserve it. All in all, we reduced the pains to that dog (i. e. the boy's father), because soon we sent him by his nice son into their alleged paradise! We led away the captives not far from there, where we slaughtered them by knives and torn them into pieces by a power saw. Who opposed and tried to escape, he was hit in his head or breast. It's pity that you haven't experienced it personally. Let all the Allah's enemies feel the power and pride of Islam. I've never experienced anything like that and I'll never forget that moment..."

Giving the food in Bijelo Bučje

When our unit was placed in the village of Bijelo Bučje, the inhabitants regularly visited us in order to get some food or money. In innumerous times I saw that a young girl, and even a juvenile one, offers herself to get a bit of money or food in turn. Also, several times I have experienced that a father offers his daughter for just a little bit of food or money. Such offers were favored by my moudjahedins (maniacs), who misused the war crisis, accepting the offers of young girls, especially juveniles, and then sexually abusing them for a bit of money.
We in the unit have not felt the crisis nor we suffered from the lack of food or any other existential need. Our store has always been full of various sorts of food. Whenever necessary, I have obtained money for the costs of the unit from the moudjahedin command Mehurići. Food, money and the other necessary goods have been properly provided, not only by the moudjahedin command but also by several Islamitic humanitarian organizations, which were placed in BH to help the civil population of this country. All that we needed was driven by truck both from Bosnia and from Zagreb (Croatia). But, we have been regularly provided with our portion of the food also by the BH authorities, by means of the BH Army. Because of that, we always had got too much food. I suffered much since moudjahedins in my unit have had sickness because of the excessive consumation of food, while there were many diseases among BH citizens, especially among children, for the lack of nutrition. It is true that moudjahedins have helped Bosnian people, but that aid was very meager and insufficient. After my dismission from the duty, the villagers have not received any aid anymore.
One moudjahedin said to me: "You haven't right to share our food and money with the villagers without asking us. We oppose your helping the local inhabitants with what belongs to us. All we have got has arrived here only for us." It was clear to me that some of my soldiers had complained and transmitted those information to the headquarters in Mehurići. Vahjudin received me with a smile and cordially greeted me. He told me: "Dear Abu Ubeyda, I really don't know what should I say to you. I'm really sorry, but this day is bad for you. The members of our administration aren't satisfied with you. Look, our head came personally to talk with you."
As for Abu el-Harris, he greeted me with ill-humor. He criticized me severely, and also offended me with the following words: "You disappointed all of us. Since you had become the unit commander, you've misused our confidence in you and you have abused your position. You behaved as a force towards people who had come from far away in order to fight in the name of Allah dj. sh. Several times you've asked for money, and we've soon provided it without asking why; but later we came to know that you've shared it with the villagers, like much of our food. Regardless of this, why didn't you asked us first? How do you dare do that without our awareness and approval? I don't believe you anymore."


The whole book: 

Title: U mreži zla: međunarodni terorizam i "Al-Kaida"
By Ali Hamad

Published by: Glas Srpske, 2007

Size: 405 σελίδες